Universal Law of Cause and Effect, Membership Program & More!
Namaste Co-Creator Goddesses and Gods in Training,
The Universal Law of Cause and Effect teaches a soul, whatever action the soul expresses to another soul, the same action will be expressed to the soul expressing the initial action. If you love another, love will be expressed towards you. If you abuse, steal, judge others, then others will abuse, steal, and judge you.
The purpose of this Law of Cause and Effect is to teach the soul how to experience a life event as both the giver and receiver and to know what another soul may be feeling as both a giver and receiver.
Since Universal Mind orchestrates all Life Experiences for each soul, the soul must comprehend whether the challenges in life are steppingstones to comprehend the wisdom of God or a learning experience for a karmic action previously taken. Regardless of the purpose behind each life experience, the soul must embrace the life challenges presented to them as an opportunity to learn.
When it is obvious that a life experience is karmic in nature, such as some soul steals from you and you suspect your close friend as the thief. Here is the working of the Law of Forgiveness. Nothing could happen to a soul unless they were the original Cause.
The soul may not remember stealing from a close friend. Still, if the soul victim of theft does not forgive his friend who stole from him, then his original sin cannot be forgiven. When a soul is a victim of a crime and does not forgive, then the karma life experience will repeat. When a soul forgives another who has trespassed against them, the soul doing the forgiving will have his sins removed. Whose sins you shall forgive, then your sins will be forgiven. Whose sins you shall retain, then your sins will be retained.
All souls must be aware of their life experiences and discern if the life experience is a learning lesson or a Karmic debt. Regardless, the soul MUST embrace the experiences and knowledge which is learning, and which is karmic. If discernment tells the soul it is learning a lie experience, embrace the learning and seek the lesson in the teaching – develop discipline in thinking, words, or actions.
If Karmic, the soul MUST forgive the person who has trespassed against them – whether they are being abused, robbed, falsely accused. If the soul does not forgive the trespasser, then the soul will continue to receive a karmic experience based on the soul’s original Cause. The soul’s sins cannot be forgiven until the soul forgives his trespasser; when the soul forgives his trespasser, his karmic debt is erased, and his sins are forgiven.
A simple sincere prayer from the heart is all it takes to remove your sins:
“Father forgive me for my trespasses
As I forgive those who trespassed against me”
Be mindful of their lack of spiritual development and accept them as they are. There are different levels of soul development in this Spiritual Training School; however, we are all classmates. The compassion and understand you demonstrate towards others will be demonstrated towards you.
Remember, ALL souls in the Earth Spiritual Training School are in school to become a Co-Creator God. Not every soul has this choice, only those souls who have dedicated their entire existence in appreciation for the gifts in their life. The Golden Ones are the administrators of this Spiritual Training School, designated and sanctioned by The Galactic Council.
When the soul comes to Earth, their memories of past accomplishments are erased. The soul must learn to listen to the voice within for guidance. The soul’s purpose is to train to become a Co-Creator God but is unaware of their purpose.
The soul must master all aspects of God, which includes the workings of Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind, Universal Mind, cleaning their Light Body, protecting themselves from unhealthy entities, master their raw embedded God Characteristic and transmuting these raw emotional God Characteristics into God Feelings, disciplining their thoughts, words, and actions, and attuning to the Heart and Mind of God.
We tell you this so the soul starts to understand the process of this Spiritual Hierarchy Training School. We want to encourage the soul in developing faith, trust, hope, discipline, perseverance and other God characteristics embedded within the soul to know that every experience for a soul is for their development. To encourage the soul to trust the standards of Universal Principles and the training environment the soul is training in. The soul is learning to become a Co-Creator God and the soul will be in training until he learns these principles. The soul comes here as a Master Soul and will leave Earth as an Ascended Master, continuing the soul’s training at the next level in the soul’s learning process.
Constantly remind yourself as you play in the Play Ground of Life who you are and why you are here, you are Co-Creator Gods in training based on your dedicated love and service to God, completely.
With deep love, appreciation and gratitude in support of your soul’s journey,
💖 Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones🌟
Goddess Renata and Friends with Tim and The Golden Ones
Spiritual Conversation relating to Emotional Healing and discovery of who you are.
The Soul’s Learning Process
The soul learns lessons through trial and error in this Spiritual Hierarchy Training school on Earth.
Couples Astrology and Numerology Compatibility Reports
Highly recommended for couples planning a relationship. These reports will identify potential hidden tendencies that may not appear until months after relating. Includes Star March Compatibility, Compatibility Composition and Compatible Numerology report.
Train with Tim and The Golden Ones - Annual Membership Program
Details on the Membership Program with access to download over 100 free MP3s relating to previous teachings by the Golden Ones. These MP3s are intended for the student to listen to at their convenience, to reinforce who they are, Co-Creator Gods in training to serve the Oneness of Creation through Love. The Membership Program is and will be channeled sequential teachings of the soul's journey from its Creation to its Ascension. These teaching classes are the same teachings lost 10,000 years ago by The Golden Ones before the sinking of Lemuria in the ocean.