Greetings, Sisters and Brothers, Goddesses and Gods, in this Spiritual Training School,
The agenda of this Earth Spiritual Training School is for the soul to align with the Universal Law of Harmony, Balance, Order, and Unity for the Greater Good of All and the Oneness of Creation.
Since a soul has free will and can experiment with all aspects of life in this Spiritual Training School, using trial and error to learn wisdom, the soul does not have to leave this Earth at the time of death for personal reasons. This freedom empowers the soul to remain here on Earth, learning and growing, even if it means being a trapped soul or referred to as a ghost.
Trapped souls can attach to anyone, hoping to find a Gateway for the trapped soul to move to the next level of soul development; you can become a Gateway in assisting a trapped soul by saying this Prayer of Protection.
The Prayer of Protection will protect the soul against all negative energies and entities—a gift from The Golden Ones. This prayer can be particularly effective if you feel there is someone standing behind you and you know there is no one there. Also, if you feel sorrow or depressed for no reason. These are two indications of an Entity Attachment. Recite this prayer before meditating.
The Prayer of Protection
I surround myself in a circle of light and an armor of love,
in which nothing can remain and
through which nothing can penetrate unlike Divine Love itself.
I call upon my Loved Ones, Mother-Father God
to remove all energies and entities from my presence
whether they are malicious, deterrent, innocent, or ignorant
taking them to the Mother-Father God for Light and liberation.
The Mother-Father God frees this soul
and frees these energies and entities,
and I AM accepts no reversal, individual or collectively
for the treatment of these energies and entities.
We thank you in the name of the Living God consciousness.
Recommended: Use daily especially prior to meditating
This prayer will protect the soul from all negative energies and entities and trapped souls who are innocent or knowingly trying to interfere with the Free Will of another.
The Prayer To Remove All Fears and Unhealthy Feelings
God and Co-Creator Gods have no fears or unhealthy feelings of self and others.
In 1984, when I was studying to become a certified Metaphysical Minister, my teachers taught me this technique to become consciously aware of my thoughts when prompted to find the quality of my thinking. If my thoughts are judgmental or unloving, the recommended guidance is to change my thoughts at once. At the time, I was unaware of The Prayer to Remove Emotional Parasites, so I had to use willpower to overcome these unhealthy thoughts and feelings. Haunting thoughts and feelings were persistent. I could feel these unhealthy feelings coming towards me, and it was exceedingly difficult to deny these thoughts from entering my mind.
Fast forwarding to January of 2012, I was at a Spiritual Conference in Sydney, Australia, and Thoth, the Egyptian God, channeled a teaching on removing fears from the Subconscious Mind. When I heard the teaching from Thoth, I knew it related to the vision I received back in 2004. Immediately, I started to use this teaching to verify its authenticity, calling it The Pray to Remove Fears, to make it available to others. When I returned to my home in the United States and during one of my meditations exploring the fundamentals of this teaching, the Arcturians visited me, 7th-Diameter spiritual beings who are masters of emotional feelings. The Arcturians taught me that all fears and unhealthy feelings are parasites, living organisms capable of influencing the soul’s thinking. These parasites are low-level vibratory spiritual beings, believing their mission is to survive within a soul. If the soul removes these parasites with this prayer, they will cease to exist.
This is a technique to remove immediately all fears and unhealthy feelings from the subconscious mind.
In this Earth Spiritual Training School, the soul is Free, and the soul’s spiritual teachers and Guardian Angels cannot help the soul unless they ask for help from their teachers and guardians. All communications in the higher dimension are through thoughts. When a soul is consciously aware of its thoughts, it is always in communication with its spiritual teachers at every moment. The soul can ask a sincere, heartfelt question verbally or with their thoughts, and then the soul will wait for guidance. At first, the guidance will be slow to condition the soul to have faith and patience. The response will be quicker once the soul has shown these characteristics of faith and patience.
The Ascension Master Program teaches the soul to become aware of their thoughts in every moment and to discipline and master the soul’s thinking, focusing on healthy expressions. The soul’s teacher will guide the soul to become aware of their thinking and to stop and analyze their immediate thought; the soul then chooses to remove the thinking if the thinking is negative, any thought or feeling that is related to fear, abusiveness, hauntings, and unhealthy feelings towards self or others will be removed immediately. This straightforward process makes the soul aware of its thinking at every moment. Once the soul has finished this 28-day program, the soul will always be consciously aware and attuned to the ‘God Frequency.’
When the Universal Mind sends a message to the soul, and the soul is consciously aware in every moment and attuning to the ‘God Frequency,’ the messages from the Universal Mind exist in a higher vibratory frequency, allowing the soul to hear this guidance, overshadowing any other frequency the soul is entertaining.
Remember who you are. You are a child of God, created in His image and likeness. Each soul chooses to come to this Earth Spiritual Training School to serve God by transforming their Light Body into a physical Light Body, being a Divine servant of God, and serving the Oneness of Creation through Love. When a soul embraces who they are, a soul created in the image and likeness of God, whose purpose in this spiritual training school is to train to be a Co-Creator God, the soul will find obstacles in their life removed and their dreams and desires will manifest sooner.
Please feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions, we look forward to hearing from you!
Much Love, Success, Support, and Oneness on your Path,
💖 Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones🌟
Grandpa Bill, Tim Doyle and The Golden Ones - Soul's Journey
Discuss the Soul's Journey from the creation process into incarnation in this Earth Spiritual Training School.
Lost Teachings of the Golden Ones – Earth is a Spiritual Training School – Book I
Lost Teachings of the Golden Ones – Earth is a Spiritual Training School – Book I by Tim Doyle documents the lost teachings of the Golden Ones, who are Co-Creator Gods and the administrators of Earth’s Spiritual Training School.
This book guides souls who consciously walk their spiritual path and trust their inner guidance. It’s a resource for those determined to find answers and understand the deeper truths of existence. These lost teachings explain the truths anchored within the soul and their destiny in Creation.
Order now to download the E-Book PDF. Paperback (Print edition) available on Amazon.
Consultation with Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones
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..And a whole lot more will be shared as per the guidance recieved from the Golden Ones.
The program is now offered for any price your heart tells you is right, even 0 dollars is okay! If you feel led and want to help me get the teachings of The Golden Ones to as many people as possible, you can always send a heart gift. Join the annual membership program by subscribing today! On behalf of The Golden Ones, Tim thanks you.