The Soul's Purpose; Flower of Light Affirmation; Couples Astrology; Prayer to Remove Obstacles From Your Path & More!
Greetings, Sisters and Brothers, Goddesses and Gods, in this Spiritual Training School,
You are never separated from the love of God. The reasoning behind the perception of the soul’s status while on Earth is greatly underestimated. The soul does not yet understand their soul’s purpose on Earth yet and the complexity of aligning their thinking process in accordance with Universal Principles. This is our work to bring these truths and learning tools to assist each soul for their understanding.
Its the soul's responsibility to discipline the immature God characteristics created in it at the time of creation. When God created the soul, male and female, in His image, God's characteristics were in their raw, immature emotional form.
Each of our challenging lifes experiences orchestrated by the Universal Mind, allow deeper comprehension of the soul’s journey in this Earth Spiritual Training School.
The new teaching being channeled in the Membership Program explains the path of the soul in previous carnations in different Solar Systems, what qualifies a soul to incarnated into Earth’s Spiritual Training School, what so special about incarnating here on Earth, and when did Earth become a Training School for all souls who must come here from other Solar Systems.
These teachings also illustrate the tools the soul must use to assist the soul in knowing how to bring their desires and dreams into manifestation, and to overcome the burdens and life’s challenges in this Spiritual Training School.
I sincerely wish if you are a soul who is dedicated to serve God and the Oneness of Creation, you will join our membership program. Please feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions, we look forward to hearing from you!
Much Love, Success, Support, and Oneness on your Path,
💖 Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones🌟
Flower of Light Affirmation
This affirmation is to be used daily to diminish all negative thoughts relating to selfishness, fears, doubts, anxieties or sabotaging lines of thinking relating to your dreams and expectations. This will assist you in reprogramming your Subconscious Mind.
In preparation for this affirmation, know and visualize that the Sacred Fire of the Altar within our heart is our connection to Divine Love. We are connecting with the Divine Love of creation asking for this energy to permeate our being and remove all sabotaging thoughts unlike Divine Love. Repeating this affirmation on daily will build the the momentum of this energy to become stronger, make us mindful of our sabotaging thinking in our mind and remove these thoughts.
By the power of the I AM presence of God within me
And in the name of the Christ Self,
I call forth the Flower of Light
From the Sacred Fire of the altar within my heart.
To blaze forth from the center of the three-fold flame of the white fiery core
Of my own I AM presence.
Diminishing all darkness within
Removing all thoughts, ideas, and beliefs unlike Divine Love
Allowing the radiance of my own I AM Presence to shine, now and forever.
Astrology and Numerology Reports
Astrology is a training program agenda for each soul. The reports are extremely accurate and are to be used as a learning tool to identify the gifts and abilities of each soul as well as the lessons and challenges the soul needs to overcome.
2 Packages - For couples and For couples planning a relationship.
The complete Astrology and Numerology package for couples provides detailed reports where couples get a complete unbiased understanding of themselves as individuals along with relationship compatibility reports. Career, Soul and Child readings also available.
Prayer to Remove Obstacles From Your Path
This is a Prayer to remove obstacles from your Daily Path. These obstacles can be people, situations, companies, office workers, neighbors, and so-called friends.
Train with Tim and The Golden Ones in this Earth Spiritual Training School is an annual membership program. It is meant for helping you develop and perfect the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies in every moment on your path by integrating the wonderful, soul-enriching teachings of The Golden Ones.
Sign up for instant access to the Earth Spiritual Training School where you will receive:
Podcast classes that will focus on all aspects of Earth’s Spiritual Training School. The classes will be posted twice a month synced to the moon cycle.
150+ FREE MP3s on The Path to Oneness MP3 Store (usually priced $3 each) to help you tune to the teachings of the Golden Ones.
20% off E-books on this website.
..And a whole lot more will be shared as per the guidance recieved from the Golden Ones.
A class will consist of discussions on techniques and healing prayers guided by The Golden Ones discussing all topics relating to the Creation of the soul to the Ascension of the Soul. Personal guidance related questions and consultation requests can always be sent to Tim before or after a class.
Train with Tim and The Golden Ones in this Earth Spiritual Training School by subscribing today!