The Path to Ascension During Difficult Times and Global Catastrophe; Embedded God Characteristics in Each Soul & more!
Dear Classmates in Earth’s Spiritual Training School,
In this Earth Spiritual Training School, there are three basic levels of Soul Development. Currently, there are two levels of spiritual development being displayed for the world to witness. We are witnessing conflicts between countries, souls are being killed, and mutilated, bringing emotional distress to family and friends. We may think, “How can we allow this to happen?”
Remember, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect orchestrates life experiences for every soul based on how a soul treats any being from one of God’s many Kingdoms. NOTHING can happen to a soul unless a soul has violated this Universal Law of Cause and Effect.
The Universal Law of Cause and Effect teaches a soul that what actions you take against another will be taken against you, If You abuse another, you will be abused. You are kind to another; kindness will be demonstrated to you. True, a soul may appear to be wholesome, trustworthy, honest and a model citizen in this lifetime, but in previous carnations they might have been a terrorist or an abuser.
As a student in training to become a Co-Creator God, we must understand souls are paying their karma debts. This is a major part of your training as a Co-Creator God, Do NOT JUDGE. Know the Universal Law of Cause and Effect is being enforced and ALL IS WELL. Have compassion for those who are both creating karma and those paying for their karma. As a Co-Creator God in training, God does not JUDGE and God ACCEPTS all just as they are. Be God-like in every moment. The souls who are creating karma are new souls, demonstrating their Ego Level of Soul Development. The souls paying their karmic debts are souls who have evolved into the Spiritual Stage and are repaying debts created during their Ego Stage of Soul Development.
There are constant spiritual challenges all around each soul in every moment. The Teachers of Universal Laws of Cause and Effect and Archangel Lucifer, are working to produce the BEST Co-Creator Gods possible from Earth’s Spiritual Training School.
In this Earth Spiritual Training School, there are many obstacles, intentionally created, for the student in training to overcome. There are however, many tools available to assist the soul in becoming a Co-Creator God. By becoming aware of these tools and signs, the soul will find comfort, strength, and encouragement along the way, which in itself is healing.
Many are attuned and recognize the tools and road signs in all the kingdoms on Earth, seen and unseen. Such as meditation, healing crystals, essential oils, plants and flowers, animals, sacred sites, ruins, astrology, numerology. There are also things not seen there, such as intuition, dreams, spiritual guides, angels, and visitations from loved ones from the Star Nations.
All souls are created in the image and likeness of God. Each soul has both feminine and masculine aspects within them. The feminine aspect is connected to the Heart of God is Emotions, and the masculine aspect is connected to the mind of God is Logic. When the soul is created, all God’s Characteristics are embedded in the soul’s Light Body. However, these God Characteristics are in their Raw Emotional Form. These God Characteristics are activated when the soul comes to Earth. The soul’s purpose in coming to this Earth Spiritual Training School is to train to become a Co-Creator God and to serve God with their entire being, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The soul’s training agenda requires learning wisdom and disciplining these Human Raw Emotions and transitioning these Raw Emotions into God Feelings, such as from impatience to patience, from hate to love, from fear to faith.
The Universal force provides every experience so that we can understand and appreciate our role as we play “The Game of Life.”
As others are teachers to us, we also are their teachers. Satisfaction comes when we realize that when we learn from others, the quality of our performance improves. Remember, Universal force has no reason to teach us unless there is something for us to learn. This means that we are unaware of the quality of our performance. We will only create experiences that we can either learn or benefit from.
You may book a free consultation call with me if you’d like to learn more and how you can grow – spiritually, mentally and physically as per your soul requirements. It is recommended to have an astrology and numerology report ready to better assist us in devising the best soul journey and meditation plan for your ascension.
Our annual membership program is another great way to develop and perfect the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies in every moment on your path by integrating the wonderful, soul-enriching teachings of The Golden Ones.
Constantly remind yourself as you play in the Play Ground of Life who you are and why you are here, you are Co-Creator Gods in training based on your dedicated love and service to God, completely.
Much Love, Happiness and Blessings,
Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones
Free Consultation with Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones
All fears, unhealthy feelings of self, and of others, prevents the soul from manifesting its dreams and their realities. The soul must remove all feelings not Divine, to support their Spiritual Paths.
There may be many personal issues that affect you, relating to haunting thoughts of past life experiences, children having nightmares or troubling thoughts, challenging situations with abusive individuals, and individuals creating uncomfortable conditions at home, school, or work. The Golden Ones offer an opportunity to receive spiritual guidance on removing these barriers that prevent you from vibrating at a higher frequency and allow your dreams and desires to manifest.
Regenerating the Body
This affirmation is to be used daily to assist us in regenerating our body. This affirmation when used daily will bring in more energy into the body, assist us in being more mindful of taking care of our body and give us a sense of well being.
How to Play the Game of Life – Advanced
This book is the third installment of the lost teachings of The Golden Ones. It contains secret teachings in the functionality of the conscious mind, subconscious mind, and the interaction with the Universal mind during the creation process.
Train with Tim and The Golden Ones in this Earth Spiritual Training School
The Earth’s Spiritual Training School on The Path to Oneness website is an annual membership program. It is meant for helping you develop and perfect the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies in every moment on your path by integrating the wonderful, soul-enriching teachings of The Golden Ones.
Sign up for immediate access to the Earth Spiritual Training School where you will receive:
Podcast classes that will focus on all aspects of Earth’s Spiritual Training School. The classes will be posted twice a month synced to the moon cycle.
Free Consultations
150+ FREE MP3s on The Path to Oneness MP3 Store (usually priced $3 each) to help you tune to the teachings of the Golden Ones.
20% off E-books on this website.
..And a whole lot more will be shared as per the guidance recieved from the Golden Ones.