New Videos on Purifying the Subconscious Mind; Soul Astrology & Numerology Reports & More!
Namaste Brothers & Sisters in this Earth Spiritual Training School,
When a soul comes to Earth, a spiritual training school, one part of the soul’s mission is to learn wisdom and become a Co-Creator God. Wisdom is gained through trial and error and happens autonomously while experiencing life. The other part of the mission is learning to use the Conscious, Subconscious, and Universal mind to create or manifest the soul’s desires into a reality.
The Golden Ones are light beings and were teachers of wisdom before Lemuria sank, prior to the sinking of Atlantis. Their teachings assist the soul in the comprehension of their path and ascension to their next level of soul development.
When the Conscious Mind stores a truth in the Subconscious Mind there is a feeling attached to that truth. All our truths have a feeling attached to them. The truths stored in our Subconscious Mind are our truths; they may not be the real truth.
The Conscious Mind can entertain only one thought at a time. Change your thought pattern from thinking of Fears to thoughts of compassion, love, peace, helpfulness for those souls less fortunate than self. Rise above limiting thinking and be an inspiration to others – wife, partners, family, children, coworkers, and more importantly to self.
The purpose is for each soul to gain wisdom, develop and cultivate through life’s experiences, and embrace the embedded God characteristics coded within the Subconscious Mind of each soul. This video explains what the Subconscious Mind is and how it affects the realities of the soul. Also explains how to purify the soul's Subconscious Mind/Light Body.
I hope you find the metaphysical tools and techniques presented in these videos help you becoming aware of your innate thoughts and feelings, and motivate you to work on your soul development.
I’ve been channelling the teaching of The Golden Ones in much more detail in the Membership Program to help illuminate the Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind and show you how to connect to the Universal Mind and the Heart of God.
These teachings also illustrate the tools the soul must use to bring desires and dreams into manifestation, and to overcome the burdens and life’s challenges which cause negative emotions.
I invite you to sign up for my Earth Spiritual Training School where you will receive:
Podcast video classes that focus on all aspects including techniques and prayers for soul development.
Free Consultations with Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones
150+ The Path to Oneness MP3s to help you tune to the teachings of the Golden Ones. You can listen to these daily to allow these teachings to myelinate and reach your subconscious mind.
20% off E-books on the website.
..And a whole lot more will be shared as per the guidance recieved from the Golden Ones.
The program is now offered for any price your heart tells you is right, even 0 dollars is okay! If you feel led and want to help me get the teachings of The Golden Ones to as many people as possible, you can always send a heart gift. Join the annual membership program by subscribing today!
Constantly remind yourself as you play in the Play Ground of Life who you are and why you are here, you are Co-Creator Gods in training based on your dedicated love and service to God, completely. May your year with the Earth Spiritual Training School be filled with growth, joy, and profound awakening!
With deep love, appreciation and gratitude in support of your soul’s journey,
💖 Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones🌟
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