New Book Release - Lost Teachings of the Golden Ones: Earth is a Spiritual Training School Book I
Greetings, Sisters and Brothers in this Spiritual Training School,
The Golden Ones appeared to me during a meditation in 1983. Earth at the time was still in a 3rd Dimension vibrational frequency, too low for The Golden Ones, who are Co-Creator Gods.
Other spiritual beings have also appeared to me to educate on the workings of this spiritual training school. Whether it was the Lords of Amenti, Thoth, The Arcturians, The Angel of Death, raising the Kundalini, out-of-body, Astral Travel, drinking of the Ayahuasca in Peru, the entity that attached to me or the experience with the UFO, gave authentic creditability to these channelings.
In October or 2012, a group of spiritual beings joined me during a meditation is southern New Zealand. Earth’s Solar System transitioned into the 5th Dimension vibrational frequency on 22 December 2012 after completing its journey around the Milky Way Galactic Center, a journey of 25,920 years. The Golden Ones started channeling their teachings to me in February 2013. After their first channeling session, they signed the session as The Golden Ones. This is the first time I was formally introduced to The Golden Ones.
Lost Teachings of the Golden Ones: Earth is a Spiritual Training School Book I documents the lost teachings of the Golden Ones. The Galactic Council sanctions the Golden Ones and Earth’s Spiritual Training School.
The teachings of the Golden Ones disappeared during the sinking of Lemuria. The teachings within this book are essential for a soul to understand their origin and consciously embrace their purpose in this Earth Spiritual Training School. It also teaches us about the nature of the soul and takes one through various stages of soul development. These lost teachings explain the truths anchored within the soul and their destiny in Creation. We learn that the purpose of for all souls on Earth is to learn to discipline and master their God-embedded raw emotional characteristics in becoming a Co-Creator God.
Earth is a spiritual training school, administered by The Golden Ones. Every soul coming to Earth, is an enlighten soul, who comes to Earth to train as a Co-Creator God based on their love and dedication to serve God. The channeling by The Golden Ones is to assist the soul on their journey in the soul’s spiritual development. In my latest book, all teachings presented are based on actual life experiences.
Co-Creator Gods Responsibilities
When a soul chooses to come to Earth and train to become a Co-Creator God, it is because of their love and their continued desire to serve God with their entire being. Earth is a Spiritual Training School designed to train all souls in becoming a Co-Creator God. The soul loses all recollection of their prior achievements. They receive a conscious mind to create, a subconscious mind to store all their truths, and all of God’s characteristics stored in their subconscious mind.
There are many aspects of each of these gifts, which is the soul’s responsibility, through life experiences, to learn the functionality of each of these gifts. Through life experiences, incarnating through different genders, nationalities, religions, and cultures, a soul learns God’s wisdom. The soul also learns all aspects of Universal Laws and Principles of harmony, balance, order, and unity for the good of all and the oneness of creation.
Through the various stages of soul development, the soul will eventually learn to act God-like in every moment. Acting God-like is being selfless and not selfish, always serving others before themself. Accepting all soul as they are regardless of which stage of soul development, the soul is in training. God always puts others before himself, opening the door for others, the last person to leave a room, the last person to sit down, offering his seat on a bus or subway.
Always allowing others to go before him regardless of the situation.
Acting God-like, the soul learns never to accept Second Best in the soul’s creation process. God deserves the best, always. God never settles for second best. When a soul is in the creation process, Universal Mind will offer the soul second best, compared to what the soul is desiring. If a soul is searching for their perfect house, the soul will find a home with only a few of the features the soul is desiring.
Offering second best is a Universal Mind tactic to see if the soul knows what the soul desires and what the soul wants and are committed to receiving the best.
When the soul knows right from wrong and still takes the wrong action, retribution is almost immediate. This one reason why similar friends commit transgressional acts and do not get caught by authorities and others are caught immediately, the souls caught are the ones who it is wrong. Eventually, Karma comes to all. Discipline your thinking by not being judgmental, unloving, vengeful, manipulative, and hateful. Every hair on your head is numbered, and every conscious thought the soul expresses is recorded. Always do unto others what you desire to be done unto you.
Our Universe is full of wonder and awe. There are thousands of galaxies in this Universe, with hundreds of thousands of solar systems in each galaxy. Earth’s training school is designed to train souls in becoming Co-Creator God to assist in administrating these solar systems and galaxies. As you read these writings, embrace your purpose here in living life on Earth and know that you are a Co-Creator God in training, based on your love and dedication to serve God and the ONENESS of Creation.
I hope you find the Lost Teachings of the Golden Ones: Earth is a Spiritual Training School Book I to be a valuable guide on your journey to ascension. The book is available in high quality color paperback on Amazon and also as a downloadable Kindle. I always appreciate your feedback, comments and reviews!
Much Love and many Blessings on your Path,
Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones
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