Life as a Work of Love & Dedicated Service to God; Couples Astrology; Manifesting Your Dreams and Desires; How to Play the Game of Life & More!
Greetings, Sisters and Brothers in this Spiritual Training School,
Prior to making the choice to come to Earth, the soul’s connection to Universal Mind was intuitive. The soul’s life was a work of love and dedicated service to God using innate intelligence, same as the animal kingdom. Scientists call the intelligence of the animal kingdom “instinct”, but the truth is the animal kingdom uses innate intelligence and is directly connected to Universal Mind.
The Universe is constantly evolving, expanding and multiplying. There are many dimensions and realities that exist throughout billions of galaxies in the heavens. The heavens operate entirely under the principle of harmony, balance, order and unity for the good of all. Every galaxy requires an over seer to facilitate the operations of their galaxy. Where there are angels to serve God, there are also Co-Creator Gods to assist God in these other galaxies. The angels are not creators; they are administrators of God’s laws. They govern themselves by innate intelligence with love and dedicated serve to God, completely.
When a soul decides to come to Earth, it is by choice to become a Co-Creator God and knowing they will be created in the image and likeness of God. The capability for reasoning and Free-Will was not available to the soul prior to coming to Earth, just innate intelligence. The soul’s entire being was and still is in dedicated service for the love of God, completely. When a soul is in training to become a Co-Creator God, the soul receives access to a Conscious Mind. With this Conscious Mind comes reasoning and Free-Will. The metaphor of Adam and Eve eating an apple from the Tree of Knowledge is symbolic of the soul’s choice to gain wisdom through experience; knowledge is gained through experiences. The correct use of knowledge is wisdom. When Adam and Eve realized they were naked for the first time, this was indicative of the soul using their Conscious Mind for the first time, using reasoning and the five senses.
What appears to be real is only a perception of the soul’s Conscious Mind. This is a major part of soul learning. To determine what is really real, the Conscious Mind also has to integrate the Subconscious Mind, located in the Solar Plexus of the physical body of each soul. The Subconscious Mind is also referred to as the Feeling Body or soul’s intuition. The soul’s ego is the initial phase of using the Conscious Mind for self; self preservation, self interest, self satisfaction and self glory. As the soul experiences life, eventually the realization comes to the soul that serving self is an isolate and lonely objective without internal soul satisfaction. Through life’s experiences the soul learns, complete satisfaction comes when the soul’s is in service and their thinking is aligned with Universal Mind and all thoughts, words and deeds are in harmony, balance, order and unity for the good of all.
Again, you are never separated from the love of God. The reasoning perception of the soul’s status while on Earth is greatly under estimated. The soul does not yet understand their soul’s purpose on Earth yet and the complexity of aligning their thinking process in accordance to Universal Principles. The Golden Ones’ work is to bring these truths and learning tools to each soul for their understanding.
You may book a consultation call with me to discuss any challenges that require guidance with from The Golden Ones. The Golden Ones are always available to recommend solutions to your inquiries. It is recommended to have an astrology and numerology report ready to better assist us in devising the best soul journey and meditation plan for your ascension.
Members of the Annual Membership Program receive free consultation sessions. A booking link is sent to members upon subscribing. In the next podcast class to be posted in the Member’s Zone, we will be discussing the The History of Earth’s Spiritual Training School.
Constantly remind yourself who you are. You are Co-Creator Gods in training, and you have chosen to attend this Spiritual Training School on Earth based on your Love and dedication to serve God. Be mindful of your classmates who may be vibrating at a different frequency than you. Be understanding, tolerant, accepting, and compassionate towards them, as this too is part of your training in perfecting the God Characteristics within you.
With deep love, appreciation and gratitude in support of your soul’s journey,
💖 Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones🌟
Manifesting Your Dreams and Desires
Prayer to Remove Obstacles From Your Path
This is a Prayer to remove obstacles from your Daily Path. These obstacles can be people, situations, companies, office workers, neighbors, and so-called friends.
Couples Complete Astrology and Numerology Package
The complete Astrology and Numerology package for couples provides four detailed reports where couples get a complete unbiased understanding of themselves as individuals along with three relationship compatibility reports.
How to Play the Game of Life - Advanced
This book is the third installment of the lost teachings of The Golden Ones, who are the Co-Creator Gods and administrators of this Spiritual Training School on Earth. These teachings of The Golden Ones that have been lost since Atlantis’ sinking.
This third book explains the purpose and responsibility of every soul on their path to Ascension. These secret teachings include the working of the conscious mind, subconscious mind, and the relationship to the Universal Mind. This advanced version explains how the workings of these minds work together to bring the hopes, desires, and dreams of the soul into reality.