Golden Awakening in 2025
Greetings, Sisters and Brothers, Goddesses and Gods, in this Earth Spiritual Training School,
Wish you ALL much Love and many Blessings for the New Year.
All souls in this Earth Spiritual Training School have earned the right to be here. You have journeyed through many incarnations and other solar systems in the Milky Way galaxy just to be here. You are here now to perfect your God characteristics that were in their infancy stage of soul development when you were created, you must discipline and master all God characteristics before completing your final Soul assignment.
The teachings of The Golden Ones were lost 10,000 years ago with the sinking of Lemuria. Along with the sinking of Lemuria, our Solar System plunged into a 3rd Dimension vibrational frequency of selfishness, abusive behavior, and greed which was too dense for The Golden Ones to remain on Earth. Since 22 December 2012, our Solar System returned to a 5th Dimension vibratory frequency of love, compassion, and togetherness.
With the return of The Golden Ones, we have been channeling their teachings since 2013. Each of my challenging life’s experience orchestrated by the Universal Mind, allows deeper comprehension of the soul’s journey in this Earth Spiritual Training School.
With the new leadership in America, many government, banking and business officials will resign and or be removed allowing for improvement worldwide. There is an awakening coming that could not happen in the previous Third Dimension consciousness.
The following video is our first channelling from the Golden Ones for 2025 and describes the awakening one can experience in the Golden Age by learning to think like God, accepting everyone with no judgments towards others, having no fears or unhealthy feelings towards self and others, and attuning to the God Frequency.
Many teachings from The Golden Ones relate to soul development and eliminating obstacles to the soul’s growth. All souls on Earth are in training to become Co-Creator Gods. Be compassionate to your fellow classmates, even those who express corruption, greed, abusive behavior, as they too are in training to become Co-Creator Gods but have not realized their purpose.
The teaching channeled in the Membership Program explains the path of the soul in previous carnations in different Solar Systems, what qualifies the soul to be incarnated into Earth’s Spiritual Training School, whats so special about incarnating here on Earth, and when did Earth become a Training School for all souls who must come here from other Solar Systems.
These teachings also illustrate the tools the soul must use to assist the soul in knowing how to bring their desires and dreams into manifestation, and to overcome the burdens and life’s challenges in this Spiritual Training School.
As you apply these tools and you see the results of this teaching, hopefully, it will encourage you to accept who you are, a child of God, created in His image and likeness, one and the same.
I hope you find the articles and information in this newsletter beneficial in your journey to Oneness. As always, I’m grateful for your support and honored to have the opportunity to work with you. Please feel free to write to me if you have any questions.
Much Love, Success, Support, and Oneness on your Path,
Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones
Moon Signs
In this article, let us learn about the characteristics of the Soul’s Moon Sign. In Astrology, The Sun Sign represents the soul’s personality and the Moon Sign represents the Soul’s Emotions. Usually, the Sun and Moon are located in different houses in the Soul’s 12 psychological aspects.
A Miracle Drink – Water
Read this article to learn about the benefits of drinking water besides maintaining a positive alkaline level in the body.
The Law of Forgiveness
Some religious organization has taken these words and have misinterpreted these words to mean that specific designated religious individuals have the power to forgive sins. For men to have the ability to forgive sins is not valid, and NO ONE has the power to forgive your sins, except yourself.
Consultation with Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones
Book a 60-minute paid consultation (USD 50) with Tim Doyle and The Golden Ones.
We will listen to any issues you want to discuss or any challenges you might require guidance with from The Golden Ones. The Golden Ones are always available to recommend solutions to your inquiries.
Members of the Annual Membership Program receive free consultation sessions. A booking link is sent to members upon subscribing.
The teaching channeled in the Membership Program explains the path of the soul in previous carnations in different Solar Systems, what qualifies the soul to be incarnated into Earth’s Spiritual Training School, whats so special about incarnating here on Earth, and when did Earth become a Training School for all souls who must come here from other Solar Systems.
These teachings also illustrate the tools the soul must use to assist the soul in knowing how to bring their desires and dreams into manifestation, and to overcome the burdens and life’s challenges.
Sign up for immediate access to the Earth Spiritual Training School where you will receive:
Podcast classes that focus on all aspects of Earth’s Spiritual Training School.
Free Consultations with Tim Doyle & The Golden Ones
150+ The Path to Oneness MP3s to help you tune to the teachings of the Golden Ones.
20% off E-books on the website.
..And a whole lot more will be shared as per the guidance recieved from the Golden Ones.
The program is now offered for any price your heart tells you is right, even 0 dollars is okay! If you feel led and want to help me get the teachings of The Golden Ones to as many people as possible, you can always send a heart gift. Join the annual membership program by subscribing today! On behalf of The Golden Ones, Tim thanks you.